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The dark circles are considered to
be the second most popular dermatological issues, acne being the first. Dark
circles are non hormonal problems of skin mostly appears under the eyes. Some
of the common causes of dark circles are :
Aging: As an individual ages the
collagen and the fat from the skin decreases thus resulting in the visibility
of the blue blood vessels under the eyes.
Heredity: though it might sound
surprising but in certain cases dark circles are an inherited non hormonal skin
Nasal Congestions: Many a time our
nose gets blocked due to allergies or cold. This darkens the vein draining from
the eyes, thus causing dark circles.
Once becoming aware of the side
effects of the artificial chemicals and harsh ingredient which are mostly used
in manufacturing the beauty and health products, majority of the consumers are
now keen to get acquainted with the home remedies which are not only simple but
are also easily available These artificially derived cosmetic products may have
negative effects in our skin
The modern day lifestyle has lead to
lot of complications .The hectic schedule, unpredictable working hour, lack of
sleep have negative effects on our health. One such common problem is the
visibility of dark circles under our eyes. There are numerous cosmetic products
which promises of curing almost all kind problems related to health issues
within a blink of an eye .However various surveys and tests have indeed
nullified such demands. Moreover these kinds of products may have negative side
effects too.
It is essential to check and control
some of our habits and lifestyle which contributes to dark circles. Some of
them are as follows: consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking, drinking
sodas containing caffeine.
Dark circle is a common problem and
is experienced by almost everyone in a family. There are many natural remedies
which can help in treating the dark circles. Some of the most popular and
recommended ones will be discussed in this article.
Turmeric is known to have anti
oxidant property which plays an important role in treating the damages in the
sensitive area below our eyes .These infections are mostly caused by free radicals.
One such common damage is the dark circle. A fine past of turmeric powder (good
quality) and pineapple juice can work wonder if applied on a regular basis. The
application of the paste should not be more than ten minutes. This combination
of pineapple juice and turmeric powder not only reduces the visibility of the dark
circle but will also help in eliminating it.
Honey and almond oil are some of the
common ingredients which majority of the eye lotions and creams are made of.
Since these are used as basic ingredients by the manufacturer then why waste
money to buy those creams? Try and make a paste of honey and almond oil .The
mixing should be of equal part (e.g. 1:1)apply the mixture below the eye (on
the dark circles) and leave it for 10 minutes. Try this method at least for a fortnight
and see the difference.
Lack of proper nutrition is also one
of the main causes of dark circle. It is important that we have a balanced
nutrition which must contain equal amount of minerals and vitamins. By
following a healthy diet chart you can automatically diminish the chances of
dark circle.
Water is considered to be the best
beverage for any health related issues. The water is not only responsible for
keeping your body hydrated and fresh but also removes the harmful toxins.
Therefore drink sufficient amount of water

It is also important to check the
salt contain in your regular food habits. It is a fact that excessive salt in
the food leads to the retention of fluids and this automatically leads to the
puffy eyes.
Another interesting source is the tea
bags (cold and used ones)Place them above your eyes, they help in reducing the
dark circles.

It is also essential to take care of your eyes while you are going out specially during the day time.Always use sunglasses whenever you step out in the sun.
It really works