Friday 27 July 2012

Acne – Causes ,Symptoms ,Do’s & Don’t

  Acne vulgaris commonly known acne is a common skin problem. This typical skin problem causes    “zits” or pimples. They include blackheads, white heads, and inflamed, red patches in the skin (also known as cyst). Acne occur due to few reasons. However in case the break out is major then various  other factors contributes in its occurrence. The acne may occur anywhere in the body. However the neck, face, and the upper part of our back becomes the most common targeted area for the acne. Acne occurring in face and neck has negative impact in our self confidence. It may affect our social life as well.



The acne occurs mostly when the small holes on the surface of our skin gets clogged .These tiny  holes are better known as the pores. Each of these pores opens to follicle which contains oil gland and a hair. These oil glands are responsible in releasing the oil which plays a major role in removing the old skin. This is the secret of our skin being soft.
When these oil glands secreted excess oil the tiny pores gets blocked. These results in the accumulation dirt, growth of harmful bacteria and dead cells finds opportunity to build up. Moreover the atmospheric air reacts with the oil and the scientific term of this blockage is comedone or the plug.

In case the top of the comedone is white in color then we term it as white heads. Whereas the comodone having black tops are known as the black heads. We often observe that all of a sudden some of these white or black heads results in to swelling red bumps which are sometimes painful. This occurs when the plugs break and opens. In some cases the acne is deep seated in the skin .This kind of acne are called cyst acne, they are not only hard but also painful. 

  Acne is the common problem of teenagers however individual of any age can suffer from it. One of the basic reasons for the acne attack is the hormonal changes that our body experiences during puberty. Due to the hormonal changes the sebaceous gland excrete excess oil.

  In many cases it has been observed that acne is hereditary in nature .The occurrence of the acne may get triggered by various reasons :

    *  Due to sweating or high humidity level              
    *  Due to sweating or high humidity level.

    *   Due to the various hormonal changes that occurs during pregnancy, menstrual cycle, puberty,stress or contraceptive pills.

    *  Due to the intake of some drugs like the estrogen, testosterone or phenytoin etc.

    *   Diet containing high sugar level may also contribute to acne growth.


As already discussed the common sites for acne growth are shoulders, neck or face, however acne may also grow in arms,trunk,buttocks and even legs. The symptoms are black heads, white heads,cysts,papules(small bumps red in color)skin eruption and redness and skin scar.

             DO’s & DON’T


     * Always clean your face and remove the makeup prior to sleep.
     * Clean the affected area only with medicated or anti bacterial soap.
     * Avoid any kind of scrubbing and repetitive skin wash.
     * In case of oily skin try and shampoo your hair on regular basis
     * Do not allow the hair fall over your face.


      * Do not scratch or squeeze the affected area.
      * One should not touch the affected area.
  * Do not use creams or cosmetics which are greasy. It is advisable to use water based and non           comedogenic products. The non comedogenic do clog the pores or cause the acne.

  However in majority cases, the acne vanishes once the puberty period is over. Sometimes in rare cases it may last till the middle age. These kind of problems might require medication. However treatment assures non return of acne for at least 6 months.  Chances of  acne flaring up from time to time are always high.




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