Monday 20 August 2012

Dandruff- Causes

Each time you scratch your head you find some white stuff coming out of the scalp and hair. These are the dandruff. They are not only the causes why you scratch you head to avoid itching but is also a source of embarrassment in public life. They stick to your hair and gets deposited on the dress material below the shoulder.

 Dandruff is also the cause why you suffer from hair fall. It is a fact that your hair will become sticky and oily. This will make your scalp more itchy .Too much of scratching can redden your scalp. The dandruff becomes more prominent especially during the winter season. Our market is flooded with innumerable anti dandruff shampoo and conditioners promising excellent result. Before starting any kind of experiment it is wise to educate oneself with the cause of this threatening issue.

One of the reason or deciding factor is the skin type you got. The dandruff is more prominent and mostly suffered by those having dry skin .In case you have dry skin it is likely that you will be suffering from this persisting issue for indefinite time. During the winter season this dryness will increase compared to any other season and the effect will be visible in your skin, hand face. Therefore during the winter season dandruffs become more prominent.
Sometimes the hair product we use may not suite our scalp. They might cause allergies. Contact dermatitis is mostly caused from the products which are sensitive to our hair. The skin dermatitis is responsible for producing itchy scalps and then leads to dandruff.

One of the prime causes of dandruff is the negligence of an individual. Like other parts of our body it is also important that we clean our hair. Irregular shampooing and washing of hair may cause dandruff. In case the hair remains unclean for a long time the oil gets accumulated on our scalp and in turn assists in producing dandruff.

Malassezia a yeast  is also the cause of dandruff. They are mostly present in our scalp .In-case the growth of Malassezia gets out of control dandruff is likely to occur. The Malassezia feeds on the oil secreted from the hair follicle are responsible for irritating the skin. The dandruff flakes are usually larger .They are caused when skins gets clumped together .They are binded by oil.


The blow dryer can be a great enemy. Excessive use of blow dryer makes your scalp dry thus results in the activation of the reaction of the Malassezia.

Many a time dandruff is caused due to hormonal reason. This problem is acute during the puberty. This can affect both the gender.
No matter how many promises the beauty product company makes, not every shampoo is suitable for all. Our skin is sensitive to certain chemicals and therefore reacts accordingly. You might notice that your hair looses the luster or quantity when you use a shampoo which is not meant for your hair. It is advisable to discard the product immediately before it’s too late. Do not shampoo on regular basis as that might cause dryness and irritation in your scalp. Twice or thrice a week is fine.

Apart from the above cause’s mental stress, , sweating, poor hygiene  can be the reasons why dandruff occurs.

Healthy Hair - True Facts

We will discuss some of the general tips that can help you in daily life. These guidelines will also help you to  improve your hair quality.


v           * If you maintain a healthy lifestyle then you will have healthy hair. This  is a  common fact and is applicable  for all of us.
v                 *  It is important and advisable to quit smoking at the earliest.
v                 * Too much of mental stress can also have a negative effect.
v                  *  Regular exercise and balanced diet is also important to have and 
        maintain healthy hair.
v             *     An adequate sleep of minimum eight hours per day is also essential  for healthy body and hair


 A hair style can change your look in an instant .And in order to do so you will require various artificial and chemical products.

            *  Avoid using hair gels .The hair gels are used to tame the hair and give   it a definite shape. Incase this is a  daily habit it can be dangerous. The hair gels are the contributing factor for hair loss. Especially if they are used over a long period of time. However hair gel can be less harmful if applied occasionally. Make it s point to wash your hair and scalp once the purpose is served. The gel if not washed will clog the skin pores.



    *Some of the common ingredients of the hair spray and the styling mousse are the carcinogenic polyvinylpyrrolidone plastic, aerosol propellants, formaldehyde ,alcohol, artificial fragrance. Individual using these products can develop a disease called thesaurosis.This is a disease which affects our lungs. It enlarges the lymph nodes, lung mass and changes the blood cells. According to the FDA         the report patient can recover from these complexities within six  months if they discontinue the product.
*                                                                                   *  Do not apply any kind of artificial hair products directly on the scalp.


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           *   Every time you go for swimming wet your hair . If our hair gets too much exposure too chlorine water it     can   lose its natural shine and split ends. Our hair is vulnerable to drying agent like chlorine. The cortex (or   the inner layer) of our hair is protected by cuticle(outer layer)Sebum the natural lubricant is responsible for protecting our cuticle. The swimming pool water contains chlorine which absorbs the sebum from the hair. This in turn makes the hair dry and thus the cuticle cracks.

v           * You can use a cap to protect you’re your hair from chlorine water. In case you choose to wet them then make sure that you go for a shampoo and conditioner immediately after swimming.


v               *  Hair dryer is not good for hair. One of the prime reason is that it makes your hair dry.
v                *    Do not leave the hair dryer in a specific area for a long time .Keep a see distance between the dryer and your hair
v           *  In case you want to speed the process of drying then path the hair with towel and then apply the hair dryer. It will take less time than required.
v                 * Try and untangle the tangled hair with the help of your finger while using the hair dryer.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Healthy Hair - Do's & Don't

Proper nutrition and keeping the hair free from dirt is essential to keep our hair healthy and shiny. Apart from that there are some critical practices which are essential incur in our lifestyle.

Combing is one such process which we do regularly at any time of the day. However do not comb in a way which can injure our hair. The first step of combing should be to separate the hairs in small sections. The first step should be done with comb with wide tooth. It is very important to untangle the tangled hair. While untangling the hair start from the end towards the downward direction. While combing always use tortoise and wooden comb. The rubber combs are forbidden for combing untangled hair. It is better to brush the hair when they are dry .The wet hairs are extremely weak and the brushing can easily damage the root. Always comb your hair prior  to brushing ,

On the contrary to common believe the hair dryers are not good for hair. It is better to dry the hair naturally. The strong heat emitted from the dryer damages the hair. The heat is also responsible for absorbing the moisture for our hair making it lifeless and rough. It is best if you can avoid those curled irons, blow dryer and the innumerable perms. It is a true fact that if you can take care of your hair naturally the hair will have a healthy and shiny look .Therefore try to select a hairstyle which can be managed without the above mentioned artificial techniques.

The environments to which our hairs are exposed also have a crucial contribution. It is advisable to apply conditioner before bathing in pool or beach. The conditioner helps to protect the hair from the sun light, salt water or chlorine. The conditioner helps in conditioning the hair and keeping it healthy. Sometime you can wear a cap or cover the hair with scarf to avoid the hair getting exposed to pollution salt, chlorine etc.

Apart from the above mentioned regime trimming of hair is also essential. You can go for trimming after every 2 months.Trimming is especially important for the growing locks and layers.Regular trimming helps to reshape the hair style.

Monday 6 August 2012

Healthy Hair - Shampoo ,Conditioner ,Wash.

Apart from proper nutrition our hair requires proper maintenance and cleanliness. The best way to clean our hair clean is with the help of shampoo and conditioner .

 While choosing shampoos avoid those which promise too much. Do not go for complicated formula. These kinds of shampoos are usually expensive Stick to those which are simple and the promises are logical. Those shampoos are the best which only assures to clean and wash the dirt from your hair.

Conditioner is the next step after shampooing. The shampoo usually makes the hair clean, dry and dull. The application of conditioner softens the hair and makes it smooth. It is recommended to use mild shampoo. Avoid washing too much. Wash your hair at least twice or thrice a week, not more than that. The conditioner is applied to keep the hair smooth and shiny .Therefore do not apply them in the scalp. Many of us have the wrong concept that conditioner like shampoo has to be applied in the scalp. Neither excessive conditioner is good for hair. It has been found out that too much application of conditioner results in the lifting of the cuticle layer of the hair, thus making it brittle .In recent times some beauty product companies have launched shampoos which promises to thicken our hair. The truth is that on every application the special ingredients of the shampoo helps in coating each of our hair with a protein coat thus giving it a thicker look. These are of good quality and are beneficial for our hair. Whenever you buy shampoo, do check the label of the conditioner and shampoo. It is essential to check the ingredients of the product. Always avoid those shampoos and conditioners containing lactic acid, urea or lecithin.  

The next is washing the hair. This step involves the magic of your ten fingers and their tips. It is our hair type which will help in determining the cleaning routine .Some of our hair will require regular shampoo where as for some it will be alternate day routine. The water that will be used for cleaning the hair should not be either too hot or too cold. The water should be of room temperature. The cleansing method should involve gentle scrubbing of the scalp with the help of fingertips. While washing the hair make sure to remove all the soap and lather from the hair.

 While washing the hair it is important to lean over the basin or while bathing. This posture helps in proper circulation of blood around our hair root and scalp. While you shampoo it is important that you follow the scientific method. Shampoo your hair by gentle massage with the help of your finger tip. The massage should begin at the nape. You can use the pad of the finger tips while massaging. However it is essential to cut the nails prior massaging. The massaging should not be done by hand but fingertips alone. This process should continue for the next two to three minutes
The next step is to exert pressure as our hand moves towards the hairline. While massaging the hair also press the temple and ear with the help of your thumb. The massage has to be done slowly. Massaging helps in the secretion of oil from the hair follicle which provides nutrition,protection and smoothness to our hair.Massaging also  enhances blood circulation in our scalp.It is advisable to take sufficient time while you massage the scalp. This will not only help you to relax but will also refreshing. Once you have finish shampooing, rinse the hair and pat it dry with the help of towel instead of rubbing it.

Healhy Hair - Nutrition

  It is a true fact that our hair reflects our personality as well as our health. If they are maintained and taken care they can enhance the beauty of any face. When we speak of hair care it includes our scalp as well as hair. In case you neglect them it can be well visible .The basic sign for long neglected hairs are they become brittle increase in hair fall, numerous split ends, dandruff and many more. There are numerous factors which contribute to breakage of hairs. However proper care and nourishment can help you to attend not only healthy but shinning hair. The below tips will guide you to attend the kind of hair you have been desiring for so long.It is essential to have a diet which is not only balanced but is also rich in iron, calcium and silica. These will be responsible in reducing and preventing the hair loss. Apart from these the green vegetables like those of the sea vegetables are good sources of minerals. .It is also important that you consume sufficient amount of foods which are rich in iron like the liver, whole grain cereal, eggs, raisin, dates, green andleafy vegetables. However the liver is not recommended for pregnant women. Our hair comprises of protein therefore it is necessary that we include a lot of protein in our regular dietary habit. The main function of protein is that they help in the growth of hair. Food like wheat germ, calf livers, lecithin (granulated form), brewer’s yeast. Apart from that Vitamin B is equally beneficial for our hair. Vegetables like cucumbers, potatoes, red and green peppers contain Vitamin B and are good for our hair.
Carrots  contains good amount of  Vitamin A. Vitamin A  plays vital role  in keeping our scalp healthy in turn resulting to good conditioned and high quality hair .It is essential to eat good amount of carrots and hummus as they are good in monosaturated fat, high protein content and carbohydrates. 

The citrus fruits contain high percentage of inostiol, which is a kind of sugar related to the glucose family, better known as the Bh.The main function of inostil is to break down the fats in our body and lower the cholesterol. It is also responsible in prohibiting the thinning of the hair and protect from further hair loss.

The leafy vegetables are equally important for our hair. However try to choose those vegetables which are dark in color like the spinach, bok choy, Swiss chard etc. They contains good amount of Vitamin A and Vitamin C which assist human body in the production of sebum. Sebum, an oily substance which is produced by our hair follicle. They act as natural conditioner to our hair. The   dark and green vegetables also contain iron and calcium. They both forms important part of our hair growth.

The Red Bell Peppers contains high amount of Vitamin C. It is advisable to eat the red bell pepper in raw state as the cooking will destroy the valuable nutrient contents Vitamin C is a strong anti oxidant which is responsible for increasing the circulation to scalp and promotes in the hair growth.

Finally, Cherry juice is also extremely effective for our hair growth. Cherry has high iron content. Anemia is a strong cause for hair loss. Therefore it is essential that you include sufficient amount of cherry juice in your diet.